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Joint Disorder INR 6000 INR 5400
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Joint Disorder

A joint is where two or more bones come together, like the knee, hip, elbow, or shoulder. Joints can be damaged by many types of injuries or diseases, including Arthritis - inflammation of a joint. It causes pain, stiffness, and swelling. Over time, the joint can become severely damaged. Bursitis - inflammation of a fluid-filled sac that cushions the joint Dislocations - injuries that force the ends of the bones out of position

INR 0 INR 6000


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Scalp Simulation Therapy INR 6000 INR 5500
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Scalp Simulation Therapy

Treatment - Scalp Stimulation. “Circulation-stimulating” massages are a crucial part of your hair healthy program. Massages should be done daily to improve circulation, help nourish the scalp and keep the skin loose, thus allowing the blood to flow easily to the roots of the hair.

INR 0 INR 6000


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Hair Regrowth INR 4000 INR 3000
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Hair Regrowth

Hair loss is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. There are many different types of hair loss, but the most common is male pattern baldness. This is a type of genetic hair loss that affects men, usually in middle age. In fact 50% of men over 50 suffer from this kind of hair loss. But with certain treatments, it can be reversed. Male pattern baldness occurs when the hormone testosterone is naturally converted into another hormone called “DHT”. Certain men have a genetic sensitivity to DHT which weakens their hair follicles (or “hair roots”) and eventually leads to permanent hair loss. Hair regrowth, therefore, requires the reversal or suppression of DHT’s effect on hair follicles. Despite there being many lotions and pills which make ludicrous claims about hair regrowth. There are only three treatments that are scientifically proven to reverse the effects of DHT and regrow your hair. As a doctor, sometimes I get frustrated by the lack of clarity around hair loss treatments, so I’d like to take this opportunity to list the treatments that actually work. Hair Regrowth Treatments Hair Transplants Whilst this is the most expensive and invasive option, it can often be the most effective. By removing hair follicles from certain areas of the body, surgeons can identify hairs that are resistant to DHT and place them in areas of lost hair. In this way, your hair can regrow in thinning areas within 9 months. Each surgery starts at around £6,000 and many men require two or more operations to achieve total regrowth. Apart from the cost, the downside can be scarring in the areas from where the follicles are removed and the subsequent pain involved. Equally hair transplants are not normally recommended as a man's first option, as they tend to be very expensive and not always effective if further hair loss is expected. By implanting the wrong hairs to the wrong area, some men can be left with balding patches behind their newly regrown hair. It is advised to wait until the full extent of your hair loss is known.

INR 0 INR 4000


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Hair Fall Treatment INR 4000 INR 3000
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Hair Fall Treatment

Has hair fall become a permanent part of your life? Don’t worry as you are not alone! This has become a common problem for many people around the world. It may be hereditary or caused due to a lifestyle habit. But despite the reasons, it is a serious problem and should be addressed carefully. Hair loss does not lead to any health problem but it does make one very conscious about her loo. What is Hair Fall? Every person loses a few strands of hair daily. It is a normal event. There is no problem if you lose 10 to 20 hair strands a day. Usually each hair strand has a life of 2-5 years after which it will automatically fall. But if there is excessive loss of fully grown as well as new hair, then it is a serious problem. hen Hair Fall becomes a Real Threat? If daily hair loss is more than 100 hair stands (keep in mind that after shampooing it may increase to 250 hairs and it is normal) If there are visible bald patches and hair is thinning If new hair follicles are falling. What are the Causes of hair loss? There are many causes for alopecia or hair loss. Allergies, toxins, chemicals, burns, injuries and infections. Also some medications like anabolic steroids can cause hair loss like those used in kidney failure, chemotherapy and radiation. Even vitamin overdose may lead to hair fall, iron deficiency, anemia, thyroid, fever or pregnancy can cause hair loss. Hair Fall can also result when one indulges in too much bleaching, dyeing, tight braiding, blow drying or using hot curlers. Different Types of Hair Fall: Pattern baldness: This is the common form of hair fall that occurs due to hereditary factors. If one has baldness in the family then she can suffer from this type of alopecia. The genetic factors determine the pattern of hair fall, it’s development, the speed at which the hairfall occurs and the extent of hair loss. Alopecia areata: Another type of alopecia which is due to genetics Scarripng alopecia: Sometimes the hair follicles are damaged due to excessive inflammation which creates scarring on the scalp itself. This creates bald patches and alopecia. These inflammations may be caused by several skin problems and diseases. Telogen effluvium: When the body goes through a sudden change, the hair cycle stops or hair starts to fall. The reasons for the change may range from stress, a recent surgery, pregnancy, harsh medications, and fever, physical or mental stress. Traction alopecia: Braids look good and are in vogue but too much braiding may cause hair fall. When hair is pulled back or braided tightly there is immense stress on the follicles. Regularly doing so causes hair to fall and thus results in alopecia.

INR 0 INR 4000


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Removal skin Tag INR 1500 INR 1200
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Removal skin Tag

Skin tags are soft, benign growths that usually form within the skin folds of your neck, armpits, breasts, groin area, and eyelids. These growths are loose collagen fibers that become lodged inside thicker areas of the skin. It’s unclear exactly what causes skin tags, but they may develop from friction or skin rubbing against skin. One study found a link between skin tags and obesity and type 2 diabetes. Hormonal changes in pregnancy may also contribute to skin tags.

INR 0 INR 1500


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Dark Circle Reduction INR 0 INR 0
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Dark Circle Reduction

Do you look perpetually tired even after a good night’s sleep? Are you tired of trying multiple shades of concealer to conceal your dark circles? Now get rid of your dark circles and under eye bags without undergoing any kind of surgery. Dark circles and under eye bags are caused by a number of factors and vary individually depending on your age, lifestyle, sleeping pattern etc. The AgeLess Clinic offers a range of treatments for dark circle removal and reduction recommended after taking all your individual issues into consideration. TREATMENTS WE OFFER: Non-Surgical Dark Circle Removal Peels for Dark Circle Reduction – help in exfoliating the pigmented skin around the eyes Laser Treatment for Dark Circle Reduction Topical agents for dark circle reduction Eye creams which cause lightening and firming Dermaroller



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Mesotherapy INR 3000 INR 2300
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Mesotherapy (from Greek mesos, "middle", and therapy from Greek therapeia, "to treat medically") is a non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatment. Mesotherapy employs multiple injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications, plant extracts, vitamins, and other ingredients into subcutaneous fat. Mesotherapy injections allegedly target adipose fat cells, apparently by inducing lipolysis, rupture and cell death among adipocytes

INR 0 INR 3000


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Stretch mark INR 2400 INR 2000
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Stretch mark

Stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin, which support our skin, to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks may appear. Not everyone develops these narrow bands on their skin. Fluctuating hormone levels seem to play a role. You may also have a higher risk if people in your family get stretch marks. If you develop stretch marks, you’re most likely to do so during these times: Growth spurts that happen in puberty Pregnancy Rapid weight loss or gain Weight training when you have rapid muscle growth Applying a corticosteroid to your skin for a long time can also cause stretch marks. If you have Cushing’s disease or Marfan syndrome, you may see stretch marks. When stretch marks first appear, they tend to be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin color. Early stretch marks may feel slightly raised and can be itchy. In time, the color fades and the narrow bands sink beneath your skin. If you run your finger over a mature stretch mark, you often feel a slight depression.

INR 0 INR 2400


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Dermaroller Treatment INR 1600 INR 1200
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Dermaroller Treatment

Dermaroller is commonly known as skin roller, skin needling, microneedling and collagen induction therapy. Dr. Desmond Fernandes of South Africa was the inventor of dermaroller. It is simply a plastic roller device with many tiny needles. Different rollers have a different number of needles. They vary from 90 to 540 needles. Dermarollers come in various needle sizes ranging from 0.25mm to 3mm. The outdated rollers are usually made of surgical steel. The newer ones are manufactured with titanium. Derma-roller treatment creates thousands of punctures into the skin and breaks down old scar tissues as the user rolls back and forth with the device. how does dermaroller works This activates your body’s wound healing mechanism and promotes tremendous new collagen and elastin production. This will continue for 12 months with each treatment. collagen induction therapy Your fine lines, scars, wrinkles or stretch marks disappear permanently as new collagen slowly rebuilding your skin tissue while thickening your epidermis. Many reported seeing 60 to 80% improvement in less than 6 months.

INR 0 INR 1600


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