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Pigmentation Treatment INR 2200 INR 2200
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Pigmentation Treatment

Pigmentation, better known as hyperpigmentation, is a condition that darkens patches of your skin. These patches can be large or small. While the condition isn’t harmful, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical issue and can cause your skin to look uneven and unhealthy. Your skin gets its color from pigment-producing cells known as melanocytes. Melanocytes produce melanin which gives your skin its unique color. When the melanocytes are damaged, unhealthy, or pushed into overdrive they start to produce excessive melanin in certain areas, causing those areas to darken.

INR 0 INR 2200


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Anti Aging Treatment INR 4000 INR 3000
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Anti Aging Treatment

Age is just a number. But it is not the number of wrinkles or frown lines on your face. The idea of ‘anti-aging’ is not to freeze your face, wash out every crease and make your skin look artificially stretched-having you end up looking expressionless , others looking at you wondering what went wrong ! The goal is to help you look your natural best at every age. Did you know, unlike most muscles of the body, the layer of muscles underneath the surface of the skin are actually attached to our facial skin. Every time we smile, laugh, frown or form an expression, the facial muscles stretch and pull the skin with it. Gradually as we age this results in the formation of wrinkles. You may also be surprised to know, several pockets of fat below the surface of your skin shift and even drastically reduces with age and the bony structure of your face – responsible for giving it shape – also changes as we grow older. These changes result in changing the very shape and structure of your face over time. And it’s not just your face; you’ll notice the skin on your hands and neck change as well over time. Even your hair will look different. Your hair cycle alters as you grow older. Our hair becomes finer and scantier as the nutrition absorption decreases with age. For women, especially after menopause you may notice your hair has become drier and lost its lustre. Men don’t escape this either. So you see – your face, hair and body are all dynamic and progressively require more attention and special care as they age with you. The skin and tissues of your face, hands, neck are constantly changing. Skin creams and lotions are not enough to take care of them. Dr Rashmi helps you revive and rejuvenate your skin so you radiate a healthy youthful glow. Your skin is treated with the most innovative techniques and the best cosmetic technologies to erase fine lines and wrinkles, tighten sagging skin and restore a luminous glow; empowering you to age gracefully and on your own terms.

INR 0 INR 4000


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Acne and Scar Treatment INR 2200 INR 1700
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Acne and Scar Treatment

With Tips From Clean & Clear. Suits All Skin Types. Blackheads Removal. Bust Skin Myths. Skin Tips & Tricks. Pimple Prevention. Care For All Skin Needs.

INR 0 INR 2200


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Laser Skin Rejuvenation INR 5000 INR 4400
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Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Laser skin treatment is an advanced wrinkle removal treatment that uses infrared light to tighten the skin without surgery. The laser light delivers heat to layers beneath the skin’s surface, stimulating collagen production and making the skin look tighter. Many patients consider the procedure a good alternative to the traditional face lift, as it requires no anesthesia, no scalpel, and no downtime.

INR 0 INR 5000


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Laser Resurfacing INR 5000 INR 4400
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Laser Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing removes the outer layers of the skin that are damaged. The laser resurfacingprocedure stimulates the production of collagen and new skin cells in the underlying layers of the skin. Laser resurfacing is now used to eliminate or reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face and neck.

INR 0 INR 5000


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Weight Loss INR 5000 INR 4300
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Weight Loss

Losing weight isn’t just about how to lose weight, but about feeling healthy and beautiful inside out. There is a deep connection between what you eat and how you live. Addressing these aspects of your day-to-day life will help you lose weight and restore your health. Don’t quit on losing weight safely and naturally, and feeling fit and healthy…do not quit on yourself!

INR 0 INR 5000


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Chemical Peels INR 2500 INR 2000
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Chemical Peels

Chemical peels, also called chemexfoliation or derma-peeling treatments, are cosmetic treatments performed on the face, typically used as an anti-aging solution to rejuvenate the skin. Chemical peels are used to correct skin irregularities in texture, such as fine lines, and color, such as spots caused by sun damage. These peels have varying strengths, characterized by the different kinds of acids used in the applied chemical solution. Chemical-peel solutions use three main acid ingredients to reach varying levels of intensity: alphahydroxy acid (AHA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and phenol.

INR 0 INR 2500


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Skin Treatment INR 3000 INR 2500
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Skin Treatment

Like the heart , stomach , and brain , your skin is an organ. In fact, it’s the largest organ in your body, but it’s still easy to take skin for granted. Unless there’s a problem, you may not think about your skin very much. But skin has an important job to do. Your skin is constantly protecting you. Your skin keeps infections out of your body and keeps you from getting sick. When you take care of your skin, you’re helping your skin do its job. And taking care of your skin today will help prevent future problems, like wrinkles and even skin cancer. Good skin care also has tremendous social and mental benefits. By looking good it makes a great first impression on others in an interview, a date, or even just making new friends. The mental benefits may even be greater – it keeps you feeling good about yourself. Nothing gives you more self-confidence and an extra bounce in your step more than knowing you look good. Proper skin care, being that skin is the most noticeable part of a person’s body is the #1 way to get that feeling. There are many different types of skin problems – cosmetic and health and many types of solutions. We will focus on skin problems/treatments for cosmetic purposes. Some of the more common issues are acne scars,age spots, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Some of the more common skin treatments are: laser treatmentsfor laser rejuvenation and laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, botox (botulinum toxins), dermal fillers, chemical peels among others.

INR 0 INR 3000


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