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Dark Circle Reduction

Dark Circle Reduction

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Description :

Do you look perpetually tired even after a good night’s sleep? Are you tired of trying multiple shades of concealer to conceal your dark circles? Now get rid of your dark circles and under eye bags without undergoing any kind of surgery. Dark circles and under eye bags are caused by a number of factors and vary individually depending on your age, lifestyle, sleeping pattern etc. The AgeLess Clinic offers a range of treatments for dark circle removal and reduction recommended after taking all your individual issues into consideration. TREATMENTS WE OFFER: Non-Surgical Dark Circle Removal Peels for Dark Circle Reduction – help in exfoliating the pigmented skin around the eyes Laser Treatment for Dark Circle Reduction Topical agents for dark circle reduction Eye creams which cause lightening and firming Dermaroller

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Product Name 5c88998b7c09da0001cc4048

Rs   2100

Note: Delivery usually takes 2.5 days, depending on availability and your location.
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