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Hair Regrowth

Hair Regrowth

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INR  4000 INR  3000
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Description :

Hair loss is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. There are many different types of hair loss, but the most common is male pattern baldness. This is a type of genetic hair loss that affects men, usually in middle age. In fact 50% of men over 50 suffer from this kind of hair loss. But with certain treatments, it can be reversed. Male pattern baldness occurs when the hormone testosterone is naturally converted into another hormone called “DHT”. Certain men have a genetic sensitivity to DHT which weakens their hair follicles (or “hair roots”) and eventually leads to permanent hair loss. Hair regrowth, therefore, requires the reversal or suppression of DHT’s effect on hair follicles. Despite there being many lotions and pills which make ludicrous claims about hair regrowth. There are only three treatments that are scientifically proven to reverse the effects of DHT and regrow your hair. As a doctor, sometimes I get frustrated by the lack of clarity around hair loss treatments, so I’d like to take this opportunity to list the treatments that actually work. Hair Regrowth Treatments Hair Transplants Whilst this is the most expensive and invasive option, it can often be the most effective. By removing hair follicles from certain areas of the body, surgeons can identify hairs that are resistant to DHT and place them in areas of lost hair. In this way, your hair can regrow in thinning areas within 9 months. Each surgery starts at around £6,000 and many men require two or more operations to achieve total regrowth. Apart from the cost, the downside can be scarring in the areas from where the follicles are removed and the subsequent pain involved. Equally hair transplants are not normally recommended as a man's first option, as they tend to be very expensive and not always effective if further hair loss is expected. By implanting the wrong hairs to the wrong area, some men can be left with balding patches behind their newly regrown hair. It is advised to wait until the full extent of your hair loss is known.

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