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"Holi is all about colours and spending quality time with family and friends. However, for some of us who are not able to do so, a thoughtful message to a loved one can at once brighten up do wonders. Holi will be celebrated countrywide on Thursday and the ritual of Holika Dahan or burning the effigy Holika in the evening or late night will be performed on Wednesday. On Holika Dahan, holy bonfires are burnt on open spaces, signifying the victory of good over evil. The legend of Prahlad,  Holika and Hiranyakashyap is associated with it. Roasted cereals are offered to the bonfire and people sing and dance around it.  Devotees offer water, turmeric, coconut to the bonfire and seek blessings for a joyous life." Here’s wishing you and your family a very happy and auspicious Holi.Life is full of colours, may this Holi add even more colours to your life. Happy Holi!May God paint the canvas of your life with the colours of joy, love, happiness, prosperity, good health, and success.Wishing you good health and prosperity. May God shower his blessings on you on the auspicious occasion of Holi.May all the seven colors of the rainbow come together this Holi and bless your life with happiness and joy. Have a Happy Holi!Let us make this Holi memorable for everyone around us and not forget to keep our pets safe. Have a safe and colourful Holi!Burn all negativity & bring all positivity in life. Celebrate this Holi with vibrant colors. Happy Holi!Sending love with red, friendship with pink, wisdom with yellow and new beginnings with green. Have a colorful and happy Holi!
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